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Materials required could be purchased throughout the city, in the industrial zone nearly cannot miss the paint shop. Plus the roll, foil and a ladder and we are able start work. Once some popular were emblems on the walls.That was put through especial rollers. That job was time consuming and required precision. Sadly, it was not possible, as in the case of wallpaper, only rip off the pattern, it requires the again painting (-> see details). So now the places have a rather solid-color walls. But if we purchase our own property, we might consider using another walls emblems. An interesting concept seems to make a bedroom murals. Sometimes behind the bed for basic wallpaper added the another, often with the photo of the mountains or the sea and the palms. From time to time, by the way, it looked poorly, and that wallpaper came off and lost on the appearance through continuous touching the furniture. Instead, as bedroom murals we can performed a view. Firms which making murals have a lot of choices to pick from. Among the projects of murals landscapes are very popularly and picked by clients. Alike projects could be applied to the kitchen or living room.